Modified on: 13/05/2022
We hear more and more about rick Simpson and RSO! But not everyone knows who and what these names are … let’s find out
Cannabis enthusiasts living in countries where it is legal to consume cannabis know that there are many ways to consume this substance and enjoy its alleged beneficial effects.
Cannabis is smoked, used in cooking, and some of its active ingredients are also taken in the form of oil.
One particular type of oil (and its creator) has been the subject of much talk lately, namely the RSO and Mr Rick Simpson, who together form one of the most controversial pairings of recent times.
It seems that RSO is an oil with powerful psychoactive effects and more…
Unlike common CBD-based oils (the known non-psychotropic active ingredient in cannabis), this new product also has high levels of THC and became famous after a documentary extolled its alleged healing abilities.
However, there is no scientific data to back up this information, and we at Sensory Seeds would like to clarify this for our readers.
This article has been written simply to inform our readers of one of the most hotly debated cannabis topics of the moment.
But now, let’s get straight to the point and find out what the RSO is and some information about its creator.

Who is Rick Simpson?
After the publication of the documentary ‘Run from the cure‘ in 2008, Rick Simpson became very famous for extolling the discovery of potent cannabis extracts.
But how did his discovery come about?
In 1997, following an accident at work, he fell and hit his head, and despite various treatments, Rick Simpson continued to suffer from vertigo and tinnitus.
Seeking a solution to these significant annoyances on his own, Simpson turned to cannabis.
Noticing that the plant was affecting his symptoms, he asked his doctor for a prescription for medical cannabis but did not receive a positive response.
As his condition worsened further, Simpson even contemplated suicide. Still, fortunately, he finally opted for another solution: he obtained cannabis seeds and began cultivating the plant and extracting its active ingredients and oil.
The very oil that is so much talked about: RSO.
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How was RSO created?
Rick Simpson created the RSO through his logical reasoning.
He realized that he would be able to extract large quantities of active ingredients from the plant by using alcohol. As a result, he would also be able to achieve greater and longer-lasting relief from the symptoms of his illness.
According to him, following the use of his experimental product, he noticed a decrease in his blood pressure, the symptoms of his illness became milder and his sleep quality improved.
Later, however, he was also diagnosed with skin cancer. The tumor was promptly removed but recurred very quickly.
Rick Simpson decided to rely entirely on his oil.
He applied RSO to the affected skin areas and, according to him, the cancer was cured within a short time.
Since then, RSO has become very popular and in great demand for treating various health problems. Rick Simpson has even set up his own website to provide advice and information about his oil and how to use it correctly.

What is RSO used for?
RSO users currently use it to ‘cure’ a wide variety of ailments, although there is no clear scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.
It appears that this oil contains many terpenes, cannabinoids, flavonoids, and many other active ingredients. All substances that the medical-scientific world is already studying and testing in-depth to find out what effects they might have on our bodies and specific diseases.
It appears that those who are currently using this oil have chosen it to alleviate the symptoms of asthma, cancer, depression, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, various types of inflammation, anxiety and much more.
However, it is clear that the use of this product, assuming that it is in any way effective, should never be seen as a substitute for conventional medical treatments, which are still considered the most reliable solution for any kind of disease or disorder.
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To conclude
Many people are waiting for the results of medical studies to see if there is any substance to Rick Simpson’s claims and if cannabis and its derivatives can be used in medicine to an even greater extent than is currently done.
All that remains is to wait.
However, if you are curious about the world of cannabis and love to collect cannabis seeds, we invite you to visit our store.
Choose the most suitable cannabis seeds to complete your collection from our wide range of cannabis seeds online, and you will receive them directly to your home in a short time.
We are waiting for you!