The pre-flowering phase of cannabis plants

The pre-flowering phase of cannabis plants

Published on: 26/08/2024

One of the most critical moments in this cycle is the pre-flowering phase. This transitional period is crucial to ensure a healthy and abundant flowering

In this article, we explore the pre-flowering phase of plants in detail, providing practical tips on how best to prepare for flowering cannabis seeds. 

The Phase That Requires the Most Attention in a Plant’s Life: The Pre-Flowering Stage

The pre-flowering stage begins when the cannabis plant transitions from the vegetative period to the flowering period. During this phase, the plant undergoes a series of physiological changes that prepare it for flower production.

It is a time of significant growth and development, requiring optimal conditions to allow the plant to reach its full potential. This period is crucial as it sets the groundwork for flower production, including the formation of buds and the increase in resin production.

Read also: How to Prevent and Treat Diseases in Cannabis Plants

How to Recognize the Pre-Flowering Stage

Recognizing the onset of the pre-flowering stage is essential for timely and appropriate intervention.

Typically, this phase is marked by the appearance of the first white pistils on female plants derived from feminized seeds. These small white hairs are precursors to the flowers and are the most evident sign that the plant is about to enter the flowering phase.

During this period, plants tend to grow rapidly in height, a phenomenon known as “stretching”. This elongation is due to the plant’s need to maximize its light exposure for optimal photosynthesis.

different kinf of seeds

What Environmental Conditions Are Required?

The pre-flowering stage requires specific environmental conditions to ensure a smooth transition to flowering. The ideal temperature should be maintained between 20 and 26 degrees Celsius during the day and between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius at night.

Proper ventilation is crucial to prevent humidity issues and ensure good air exchange. Relative humidity should be kept between 40% and 50% to avoid the formation of mold and fungi.

The Role of Temperature

Temperature is one of the most critical factors during the pre-flowering stage. Excessively high temperatures can stress the plant, reducing flower production and overall cannabis quality. Conversely, excessively low temperatures can slow growth and increase the risk of diseases. Maintaining a thermal balance is therefore essential to promote healthy and vigorous growth.

The Importance of Ventilation

Ventilation is equally important as it helps prevent moisture buildup and mold formation. Molds, such as Botrytis, can devastate an entire crop if not controlled. Using fans to create a constant airflow around the plants can help maintain a healthy environment and prevent these issues.

Monitoring and Checking for Parasites

During the pre-flowering stage, it is crucial to closely monitor the plants to promptly detect any potential presence of parasites. Spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies are among the most common pests that can attack cannabis plants during this phase. The use of natural pesticides and biological control methods can be very effective in keeping the plants healthy and free from infestations. Additionally, a good practice is to regularly inspect the plants and manually remove any visible pests.

Common Parasites

Mites, such as spider mites, are tiny pests that feed on plant sap, causing significant damage if not controlled. Aphids, small green or black insects, can multiply rapidly and weaken plants by depriving them of essential nutrients. Whiteflies are small winged insects that can transmit diseases to plants. Regularly monitoring the plants for the presence of these pests is essential for timely intervention.

Optimizing the Light Cycle

During the pre-flowering stage, it is important to maintain a stable light cycle to avoid stressing the plants. An 18-hour light and 6-hour dark cycle is ideal for stimulating vigorous vegetative growth. When the plant is ready to enter the flowering stage, the light cycle is reduced to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark to simulate autumn conditions and induce flowering.

How Much Water Does It Need?

How Much Water Does It Need?

Irrigation is another critical aspect during the pre-flowering phase. Cannabis plants require an adequate amount of water to support their rapid growth, but it is equally important to avoid too much water that could cause root rot. Indeed, too much water is not good for the plant.

It is advisable to adopt an irrigation strategy that includes regular intervals and amounts of water suitable for the plant’s needs. The use of well-draining substrates can help prevent problems related to excess water.

Frequency and Amount of Irrigation

The frequency and amount of irrigation depend on various factors, including the type of substrate used, the size of the plants, and the environmental conditions. In general, it is best to water when the substrate feels dry to the touch at a depth of about 2-3 centimeters. Using a soil moisture meter can be helpful to accurately determine when it is necessary to water.

Water Quality

The quality of the water used for irrigation is equally important. The water should be free of chlorine and other chemicals that can harm the plants. Using filtered water or letting tap water sit for 24 hours before use can help eliminate chlorine.

Additionally, it is important to check the pH of the water, which should be maintained between 6.0 and 7.0 to optimize nutrient absorption by the plants.

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The pre-flowering phase represents one of the most delicate and important stages in cannabis cultivation. It requires constant dedication and a thorough understanding of cultivation techniques, but the results can be extremely rewarding.

By following the advice and guidelines provided in this article, you will be able to prepare your cannabis plants for a successful flowering stage, ensuring high-quality production that will meet the expectations of any experienced or beginner grower.

Want to start growing some plants? First, purchase cannabis seeds from SensorySeeds. We look forward to seeing you!