Published on: 24/03/2021
What cannabis resin is, how it is used and why it is so famous.
The curiosities about hemp never end and, after having told you so much about marijuana seeds, plants and various strains, we decided to talk to you about a very particular product … Yes, it is precisely the marijuana resin, very famous and at the same time unknown to many people!
In this in-depth study, you will find everything about Sativa and Indica cannabis resin: what it is, how it is used and what its properties are.
You have to remember that in many countries it is currently not possible to grow marijuana (it is forbidden to germinate cannabis seeds, produce flowers, resin and other products with a high THC content), we suggest you to use this article for informational purposes only and not to implement illegal behavior.
So, let’s start right now!
What is marijuana resin?
Cannabis resin is an organic compound, sticky and rich in cannabinoids, secreted by the trichomes found especially on hemp flowers.

Marijuana trichomes are glands that secrete resin useful for protecting plants from parasites, fungi and ultraviolet rays.
Therefore, we can say that the resin of these plants has mainly a protective purpose but, because of its psychotropic effect given by THC, it is also widely used by man.
Usually, cannabis users extrapolate the resin from grinders or particular sieves without treating it (in this case, the powder obtained is commonly called Kief) or they collect it from the inflorescences and press it when they have the aim of producing hashish.
Read also: Hemp seeds: properties and benefits of these fantastic products.
The main forms in which we can find cannabis resin
As we said before, the resin can be collected both directly from plants (in the case of hashish) and by special tools such as grinders and pipes (in the case of Kief). Let’s see, below, the details of these products:
- Hashish: you have probably already consumed hashish in your life, but perhaps you do not know that it is marijuana resin collected from the tops of the plant, then pressed in the form of blocks or small balls, dried and left to mature. Hashish is a brown or dark green product, more or less malleable and usable almost like cannabis flowers. The extraction of the resin in order to create the so-called “smoke” can take place under different methods; among the most famous there are the extraction from dried cannabis flowers, the hand-rubbing (typical of Charas) and the extraction using machinery such as the Pollinator or similar.
- Kief, also called Kif: this product is nothing more than unpressed cannabis resin, so the product that “precedes” hashish. Generally, Kief is consumed in small quantities and collected using the grinder or with the use of special sieves for cannabis flowers. As you can imagine, if the Kif were pressed it would become hashish.
Both products are rich in cannabinoids. In the case of the classic resin, obtained from Indica or Sativa cannabis plants, the predominant active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive compound capable of altering the perceptions, cognitive and motor skills of those who take it.
Unlike the THC resin, the resin obtained from cannabis light plants contains CBD in high percentages and very low THC contents; so, it is not a psychotropic product.
As you can imagine, the resin obtained from plants born from auto flower seeds, feminized seeds and fast growing cannabis seeds contains high percentages of tetrahydrocannabinol and it is used with the same purpose of the consumption of dried cannabis flowers: to make a recreational or therapeutic use.
The uses (and effects) of hashish and Kief produced by THC resin
Both Kif and hashish are a real concentrate of trichomes, therefore they have very high quantities of cannabinoids (significantly higher than those contained in dried buds).
Kief tends to be sprinkled on the mix of cannabis flowers and tobacco before rolling the joint, in order to enhance the effects, or it is used in the kitchen for preparations such as the marihuana butter. Alternatively, it is collected in large quantities, pressed and matured to obtain dry extracted hashish.
Kif is also used sprinkled on buds previously covered with cannabis oil, with the aim of obtaining a product with a very high THC content called Moonrock (invented not long ago by Kurupt, the American rapper).
Hashish, on the other hand, can be used like marijuana buds: after having crumbled it, it is added to tobacco during the preparation of the joints or, alternatively, it is inhaled through a pipe, a vaporizer, or a bong.

The effects of Kief and hashish are similar (but more enhanced) to those of weed. Among the most common short-term effects we find:
- Euphoria
- Feeling of happiness
- Intensification of the 5 senses, so increase of perception
- Behavior alteration
- Muscle relaxation
- Chronic pain reduction
- Reduction/increase of anxiety and depression according to the cases
- Disorientation
- Increased appetite
If taken in the long term, especially in adolescence, THC can be addictive and give other problems that should not be overlooked.
Read also: Fast flowering marijuana: what it is and why it is so famous
In conclusion
Now you know, in detail, what marijuana resin is, how it is obtained and what its main uses are. In many countries this product is still prohibited as it is high in THC, so we advise you not to produce it.
However, it is legal to buy marijuana seeds online, for collecting purposes.
Visit Sensoryseeds now, our BSF cannabis seeds shop : you will be pleasantly surprised by our catalog!