Is it legally allowed to purchase cannabis seeds online?

Published on: 21/04/2020

Yes! There aren’t any legal obstacles in selling and buying cannabis seeds, since they don’t contain THC, but nowadays it is forbidden the cultivation of cannabis plants, at least in a domestic environment.

That’s the reason why SensorySeeds seeds, which grow plants with high concentration of THC, are sold as collection items, not suitable for cultivation. Any other usage is, therefore, none of our liability, as indicated in our labels, that specify that grow plants is forbidden.

In order to better preserve the genetic of the marijuana seeds for your collection we put a lot of care into the packaging of the product and into the instructions for the storage of the seeds.

If you need more information and/or you want to follow the legislative evolution on the matter, just take a glimpse at our blog in the website homepage, which is constantly updated with the latest news on weed seeds or, in alternative, look at our Instagram or Facebook profiles!