Does the plant need a lot of care?

Modified on: 14/04/2023

Not excessively. Compared to those growing from automatic seeds, they are certainly more demanding, but they are generally also very resistant. The major difference is that feminized plants, differently from what happens with the autoflowering seeds, depend on the photo period and are photosensitive. This means that the hemp plant enters the flowering phase only after a first cycle of 18 hours of light, and a second one of hours 6 of darkness and then again 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, in order for the blooming to take place.

Therefore, in case of outdoor cultivation, for example in a garden, a single flowering cycle will be possible, starting during the summer to have the plant blooming in early September, as the only source of light available is the sun. For this reason, outdoor cultivation of this type of seeds is preferable in a country with a warm climate, where it is possible to have greater sun exposure.

The situation changes for indoor inflorescence production. The advantages of this cultivation technique are that breeders can have control over all the variables that influence the growth and blooming process of the plant: the power and length of the lighting cycle, temperature, and humidity. Surely, if you can take advantage of the positive sides of this method, you will have a greater yield of the plant, but note that this technique, unlike outdoor cultivation, ;requires a large amount of energy.

Feminized seed plants live longer than those that come from automatic seeds. This implies that they are more susceptible to external agents, such as parasites. Since organic production without harmful chemicals is undoubtedly preferable to obtain quality buds, for these plants it is usually preferred to opt for indoor or greenhouse methods (greenhouse or glasshouse).

In any case, the creation of this type of seeds has been a revolution for cannabis cultivation on an industrial scale, with extremely positive effects. This happened to be novelty resulting from agricultural research which was then exported to be applied to a wide range of strains and cannabis varieties, in order to take full advantage of the new feature.