Do you have any suggestion on how to better preserve the seeds?

Published on: 28/04/2020

We can give you the first tip: collectible seeds will be shipped in a vacuum-sealed package, which maintains the ideal humidity and temperature to store your seed.

 For your collection seeds to last longer (up to even a couple of years!), it is utterly important that you keep them in their resting phase, prior to the germination one.

With this goal in mind, three factors must be considered: light, humidity and temperature.

As for light, it is necessary to avoid seeds exposure to direct sunlight, which could be responsible, with high probability, for bringing the seed, to germination.

Similarly, for the seeds not to hatch and not to become mould covered, it is necessary to keep them in a place with humidity around 9%, no greater or less.

Finally, the seed does not tolerate temperature swings, therefore it is better not to leave them in environments where they could be influenced by external agents and frequent changes in heat.

In conclusion, the best way it is to keep the seeds in a cool and dry place. In this light, most people prefer the refrigerator, which respects all these requirements and is easily accessible.