Harvesting and Drying Cannabis Buds: Complete Guide to a Perfect Harvest

Harvesting and Drying Cannabis Buds

Published on: 06/09/2024

Of All the Steps, the Harvesting and Drying of Cannabis Buds Are Probably the Most Critical, as They Directly Affect the Final Quality of the Product

Picking the flowers at the right time and drying them properly not only preserves the cannabinoid and terpene content, but also helps improve the aroma, flavor, and potency of the cannabis.

In this article, we will explore in detail all stages of harvesting and drying, providing practical tips for maximizing the yield of your crop. Whether you are an experienced grower or a novice, this guide will help you perfect techniques for obtaining the highest quality cannabis buds.

What Is the Right Time to Harvest?

Timing is everything when it comes to harvesting cannabis buds. Harvesting too early or too late can compromise the quality of the final product. The optimal time to harvest depends on several factors, including the variety of the plant (fast flowering, feminized or auto flowering) the growing environment, and personal preferences in terms of desired effects. Here are some signs:

Visual Cues: Trichomes and Pistils

One of the main indicators that the buds are ready to be harvested is the appearance of the trichomes, the resinous glands that cover the flowers. Initially, trichomes appear transparent, but as they mature, they turn milky or amber. Most growers tend to harvest when about 70 to 80 percent of the trichomes have a milky appearance, as this is when the THC content is at its highest.

The pistils, the thin white filaments that sprout from the flowers, also provide useful clues. During the ripening stage, the pistils change color from white to brown or orange. When about 70 to 90 percent of the pistils have changed color, the plant is generally ready to be harvested.

Sensory Signals: Smell and Density

In addition to visual indicators, smell and bud density are also important signals. As the plant reaches maturity, the aroma becomes more intense and the buds take on a denser, more compact texture. If the buds are still soft to the touch, it is likely that they are not yet ready for harvest.

Read also: What are the growth phases of the cannabis plant?

Sensory Signals: Smell and Density

How to Harvest Buds: Techniques and Tools

Once the right time for harvesting has been determined, it is essential to use the proper techniques and tools to ensure that buds are handled with care.

Essential Tools

For efficient and clean harvesting, you will need some basic tools:

  • Sharp pruning scissors: scissors should be sharp to make clean cuts and minimize damage to flowers.
  • Gloves: use latex or nitrile gloves to protect your hands from sticky resin.
  • Trays or containers: useful for collecting and transporting buds without damaging them.

How to Harvest?

Harvesting cannabis buds can be done in a variety of ways, but one of the most common techniques is “wet trimming,” or wet pruning, in which the leaves are removed immediately after harvest while the flowers are still fresh. This method facilitates even drying and reduces the risk of mold.

To harvest, start by cutting off the main branches of the plant. Once the branches are separated, you can carefully remove the larger leaves. Next, cut individual buds from the branches and place them in the drying trays. Be sure to handle the flowers gently to avoid damaging the trichomes. 

How Does Drying Work?

After harvest, drying is the most critical step in the cannabis production process. Proper drying preserves cannabinoids and terpenes, as well as improves the texture and flavor of the final product. Drying buds too quickly or in an inappropriate environment can lead to loss of potency and the growth of mold or bacteria.

The Drying Environment

The environment in which you dry buds must be precisely controlled. Ideal conditions for drying cannabis include:

  • Temperature: the optimal range is between 18-22°C. Higher temperatures can speed up the drying process, but at the expense of quality, while too low temperatures can slow it down excessively, increasing the risk of mold.
  • Humidity: a humidity of 45-55% is ideal for slow and even drying. Too low a humidity can cause overly rapid drying, which compromises flower quality, while too high a humidity can promote mold growth.
  • Ventilation: it is essential to ensure good air circulation to prevent moisture accumulation. However, the air should not be too strong or direct to avoid over-drying the flowers.

Drying Procedure

The most common method of drying cannabis buds is to hang the cut branches upside down in a dark, well-ventilated space. The flowers should be hung in such a way that they do not touch each other to allow optimal airflow around each bud.

Drying generally takes 7 to 14 days, depending on environmental conditions and flower density. A sign that the buds are ready for the next stage, i.e., tanning, is when the branches break easily, rather than bending.

The Curing Stage: How to Perfect the Final Product

After drying, cannabis is not yet ready for consumption. Tanning is a crucial stage that allows the buds to fully develop their flavor profile and potency. During this process, the buds are stored in airtight containers for a period that can range from two weeks to several months.

The tanning process has several benefits:

  • Improves aroma and flavor: during curing, volatile compounds such as terpenes continue to develop, enhancing the aroma and flavor of cannabis.
  • Increases potency: tanning allows the conversion of remaining cannabinoids such as THCA into THC, enhancing the psychoactive effect.
  • Reduces harshness: proper tanning reduces chlorophyll and other substances that can make inhaling unpleasant, making the smoke or vapor softer and more pleasant.

To begin tanning, transfer the dried buds to airtight glass jars, filling them to about 75 percent of their capacity. It is important that the buds are not compacted, to allow air circulation inside the jar.

During the first two weeks, the jars should be opened once a day for about 10 to 15 minutes, a process known as “burping,” which allows residual moisture to escape and fresh air to enter. This helps prevent mold growth and promotes uniform tanning.

After the first two weeks, jars can be opened less frequently, once every few days. Full curing can take 4 to 8 weeks, but some growers prefer to extend the process to further improve product quality.

Read also: Tanning of marijuana: what it is and why it is important.

how to store cannabis buds

How to Maintain Long-Term Freshness

Once curing is complete, it is essential to store cannabis buds properly to maintain their freshness and potency over time. Improper storage can lead to degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes, reducing the quality of the product.

Containers and Storage Environment

The best way to store cannabis buds is in airtight containers, preferably glass, that protect the flowers from air and moisture. Containers should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place. Exposure to light can rapidly degrade cannabinoids, while high temperatures can cause terpenes to evaporate.

Ideally, cannabis should be kept in an environment with a temperature between 15-20°C and a relative humidity of 55-62%. Some growers use humidity control packages inside the jars to keep the internal humidity constant, thus avoiding the risk of dryness or mold.

How Long Can They Be Stored For?

When stored properly, cannabis can maintain its quality for several months, if not years. However, over time, some cannabinoids such as THC can degrade into CBN, a less psychoactive compound that can alter the effects of cannabis. For this reason, it is advisable to consume the buds within 6 to 12 months after curing to enjoy the full potential.


Harvesting and drying cannabis buds are steps that require expertise and attention to detail. From the time of harvest to the drying and curing process, each step directly affects the final quality of the product. By following the right practices and maintaining an optimal drying and storage environment, it is possible to obtain the highest quality cannabis buds with exceptional aroma, flavor, and potency.

But before you start growing, buy your favorite seeds at Sensoryseeds!