How can I correctly preserve SensorySeeds marijuana seeds?

Published on: 28/04/2020

In its catalogue, Sensoryseeds offers a different cannabis strains with high THC content, which are sold as collection items, since there is not a clear legislative indication about domestic cultivation.

Therefore, preservation of the seeds is of vital importance; for this reason, your orders will arrive at your home in special vacuum-sealed packages, with temperature and humidity specifically set for preservation.

In order to avoid germination and to maintain the seed in its “rest period” it is necessary to maintain the correct conditions and to place it in a dark environment. In fact, the rest period ends when the seeds contact excessive humidity, which also could cause mould to grow, and with direct light.

Therefore, it is necessary to shield the seed from direct solar light and to keep it in a cool and dry place, with a level of humidity of about 9%.

Another factor, which may contribute to the seed deterioration, is temperature jumps, so it is best to keep the seed far from possible disruptive elements.

At home, these conditions may easily be satisfied by using the fridge, trying only not to open it too much, in order to keep the temperature steady.