Is it legally allowed to sell and purchase marijuana seeds?

Published on: 28/04/2020

European law does not prohibit the purchase or the selling of cannabis seeds, and, in many states, they are allowed to be used as a food product, for many recipes. The EU legislator was concerned only about cannabis plantations. The intent was to maintain cannabis farms for industrial purposes, but, at the same time to control the illegal traffic of marijuana.

With European Regulations 2013/1307/EU and 2014/639/EU it was established that industrial scale cannabis cultivation is permitted only if plants have a THC concentration of less than 0,2%. Nothing is said, nonetheless, about planting cannabis seeds at home, to cultivate the plant domestically. This aspect depends entirely on the country internal legislation.

In any case, as it is indicated in packaging and in labels, SensorySeeds seeds are sold not for cultivation, but just for collection purposes, in order to preserve the strains for the future.