What are the best methods to preserve my weed seeds?

Published on: 28/04/2020

In order to preserve the collectible Sensoryseeds cannabis strains, it is necessary to make sure that they remain in their resting phase, avoiding that germination begins. Particular attention should be paid to: light, temperature and humidity.

As far as light is concerned, the risk of germination occurs especially when the weed seed receives direct sunlight. It is therefore advisable not to expose the seed to this type of light, but to leave it in a dark place.

Hemp seeds can survive and be much better preserved at low temperatures. However, temperature swings are particularly harmful for the seeds, at the point that they could irreparably ruin them. For this reason, if you choose to use the refrigerator as a place for storage, it should not be opened and closed too frequently.

We understand that the correct humidity cannot be determined absolutely; it is important to find the right balance so that the seed does not rot or mold does not form and, on the other hand, that it does not dry out too much. If you pay attention to these factors, Sensoryseeds marijuana seeds can be kept for up to two years!