How to best preserve cannabis seeds?

Published on: 21/04/2020

The SensorySeeds  selections are packaged and delivered in a special capsule with the proper pressure and humidity set, so that the correct preservation of the seeds is guaranteed.

Once the package is open it is suggested to keep the hemp seeds in a dry place with max. of 9% humidity, even better if dark and cool. 

And remember: ideal temperature for marijuana seeds preservation is between 43 and 47 degrees Fahrenheit, so that the best way to do that at home is often using the fridge.

As a matter of fact, in order to correctly preserve cannabis seeds it is necessary to take 3 factors into consideration:

  • Humidity: cannabis seeds are living organisms, that can only be conserved while they remain in a “rest phase”. This is interrupt, and therefore germination starts, when they are exposed to a humid space. This is why it is suggested to put the marijuana seeds in a close storage unit with a maximum humidity of 9%.
  • Temperature: temperature swings may seriously damage the seeds. Therefore, as indicated above, it’s a good idea to use the fridge as storage unit for the seeds, that can resist low temperatures easily. In order to avoid abrupt changes in temperature it is suggested not to open the fridge too often.
  • Light: light is one of the factors, together with humidity, that can cause the growth of the plant. Not to exposed the THC seed to direct light enhances the chances to preserve it intact and avoid germination of the cannabis plant.