What is the difference with hemp seeds?

Published on: 21/04/2020

Most people think that the difference between hemp and all types of cannabis is the gender of the plants, so that hemp would simply be the male of the marijuana. Others believe that marijuana seeds, cannabis seeds and hemp seeds are all the same things and only the name would allow to tell them apart. Actually, it isn’t.

Hemp and cannabis plants are not exactly the same thing. Even if they both come from the same genetic of cannabis sativa, it is possible to appreciate the differences at a subcategory level. From merely a legal point of view, the European legislator distinguish hemp and cannabis on the ground of the THC percentage in the plant: therefore, if the level is above 0,2% we speak about marijuana, otherwise it’s hemp.

This is only an approximate distinction, that doesn’t take into account plants characteristics. While hemp usually grows in plantations mainly for industrial means, cannabis plants are usually smaller and bushy, needing more care and attentions from the breeder.

Obviously, moreover, the effects are different. Being the hemp rich in CBD, it doesn’t have psychotropic effects. On the contrary, it’s often used as medical plant, being CBD one of the substances that can be found in hemp that brings beneficial effects to those who use it.